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Wave Bar
Slavutich , 2018
Type: installation
Stage: realized
Authors: Inga Zaslavskaya, Nika Popova, Alyona Tronchuk, Tymur Klochko, Sergey Bezborodko,
Albina Kolesnichenko, Olha Koval, Ptica Sivoraksha Roman Sakh, Kos Lost's
Photo: Nika Popova, Natalka Diachenko, Roman Zakrevskyi, Margo Didchenko
Workshop "Something in the pit", Slavutich
This year, the 86th Festival in Slavutych was a significant urban component of several areas, including the architectural workshop "Something in the pit", which we joined, explored the possibilities of temporary structures to create a new value for space. Such a format seems to us important for the development of a professional community, both in the sense of developing new skills and directly in the interaction between people.
Such projects differ from the traditional practice of an architectural studio where there is a customer and a specific task. For ourselves, we have defined a framework where there are three main components: learning together with the team of participants, creating conditions for joint creation; integration into the context of the festival, its ideological continuation; taking into account the context of the city and the "non-traumatic" of the intervention. One of the conditions was also the temporality and the ability to disassemble the structure for its further exploitation in another context.
The request for the creation of a foodcourt for the guests of the Film and Urban Film Festival 86 identified the future feature of the facility. From the experience of last year's festivals, we came to the vision of a perimeter bar, which can distribute queues for food and limit the technical and warehouse space. Then the idea evolved to the "flying" barka and the use of ropes and pendants as the basis of the design. This, in our opinion, resounds with the theme of the festival about non-rigid connection and air of sensations. Modernist architecture around also dictated work with geometric volumes. The location was chosen on the axis between the city center and the pit, in front of the green lawn.
At the workshop it is always interesting to observe the work process, each in it had as comfortable moments of embodiment in its own competence, and moments of confusion and learning new. Someone had a more pleasant stage of dreams, and someone had precise and specific tasks. Designing also took place in the process of construction, with experiments and failures, because nothing was prepared in advance. Work on the site, in particular, allowed to create the original design of pergolas from the scrap of plywood, lost from local furniture production. Its wavy shape called the bar and linked the project with the idea of a waterfront lake that never was filled with water.
Outside the architecture
An unpredictable discovery for us was the further development of the project. At a time when local entrepreneurs finished their work and left space for a foodcourt, the members of our team, Inga and Nick, stayed at the bar, and homemade hummus at 10 pm found its fans. Then the drinks were self-organized and a party of a small group of companies, local and foreign visitors, who met each other in a steady manner, shared stories, praised each other. It sounded like cinema from different microhistories, mood, dance ... We then realized that the open-air barricade is a unique urban exploration tool of its kind. We have not received so many dating and information about Slavutych in all the previous one and a half weeks. Left the space before dawn, and the next day, agreed to continue this format before the end of the festival. So the workshop continued for another 4 days, opening up a new experience for our team and compensating for the cost of renting construction tools in the end.