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System Renovation of Public Spaces
Lisoviy massif, Kyiv, 2014
Type: public building
Stage: Concept proposal
Authors: Roman Sakh, Kostyantyn Kuchabskyi
Last few decades the public life of the city and public spaces is facing new challenges, both conceptually and in practice. The reduction of "live" communication is observed between the residents of the city, due to development of Internet and social networking, inability of most public spaces to current pace and lifestyle, lack of motivation for people to open communication. This problem should be solved comprehensively involving specialists from different disciplines, where an architect should become a leader and develop an innovative proposal for the creation of modern social environment for people. Because a comfortable public space is a kind of magnet that attracts and unites people.
The purpose of this project is a to study the past past and develope path of public spaces and creation of the project proposal about forming new public areas for Kyiv, on the case study of one of the districts of the city, using a modern approach to the design and possibility of new structural systems. This project is aimed to create a universal tool that will analyze town planning system and detect deficits of public functions, generate possible solutions and options and respond to changes, using Informational Technologies and systematic approach.
In this manner many factors can be taken into account, therefore, a differentiated model can be obtained the parameters will be used in the morphology of the projected public areas. On this basis, the elements of public space will receive additional system characteristics. On the example of Lisoviy massif in Kyiv the formation of several community centers of different ranks and the creation of pedestrian infrastructure that is also saturated with public functions in accordance with the obtained analytical data is considered.